Contact details for data privacy purposes

Responsible: Frau Rechtsanwältin Dr Susanne Englmann
Address: Anwaltskanzlei Dr. Englmann, Gänselieselstr 41, 81739 München, Deutschland
Telephone: +49 (0)89-6600 8600
Fax: +49 (0)89 – 6600 8601
Web Site:

Collection, storage and purpose of use of personal data

When accessing our website, information will automatically be sent to the server of our homepage provider by the browser used on your end device. This information will be temporarily saved in a so-called logfile. The following information is thus collected and saved without any further action on your part, until its automated deletion:

The aforementioned data will be processed by us for the following purposes:

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6, para. 1, sent. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest results from the above listed purposes for data collection. In no event will we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing any conclusions to your identity.

Transfer of data

We do not transfer personal data except as set out below.

We will only transfer your personal data to any third parties if:


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are files that you browser stores on you end device when you visit our website. They are used to store data of your visit and to recognize (eventually also statistically) as well as to improve and ensure the operation of our website.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. sent. 1 lit f GDPR. Temporary cookies will be deleted when you leave the website. Most browsers accept cookies automatically. You can adapt your browser in a way that no cookies will be stored or you will be warned at all times before a new cookie is stored. The complete deactivation of cookies may have the consequence that you cannot use all functions of our website.

Rights of data subjects

You have the right:

Data security

To ensure data security, the transmission of the contents of our website is encrypted with SSL technology currently state of the art. To secure data privacy we and our providers, who we have contracted for this purpose, have set up adequate state of the art measures, such as to restrict the access to the data, to protect the data from change or loss and to ensure confidentiality.

Changes to the Data Privacy Statement

This data privacy statement is effective as of 25.05.2018. We retain the right to adapt, amend or change it in case of further development of our website or due to changes in legal or regulatory regulations